7 Ways To Increase Fuel Efficiency in Your Car (Efficient Tips)

According to CNBC consumers are experiencing record breaking increases in gas prices and these prices are here to stay. From the beginning of the year till date, the cost of gas has jumped by over $1 on average.

With the rising gas prices, it is very important that you learn and apply gas saving tips when using your car. In this article, we will be looking at 7 easy ways you can save energy and get your car to be more efficient.

7 ways to increase fuel efficiency in your car

  1. Avoid driving with a lead foot. This might sound surprising especially with the amount of movies we watch daily but if you are always speeding and usually the first one to zoom off at a traffic light, then you are wasting gas instead of conserving it. The best way to save some money and be energy efficient with your car is to change the way you drive. When you drive too fast or always accelerate at the first opportunity, your engine and transmission can only convert so much gasoline into energy at a time. So when you send so much gasoline, some of it will be wasted. Basically if you are driving over 55 mph, you are wasting your gas which is the reason why 55 mph is the most common speed limit. It is advisable that you take it slow and steady while driving your car.
  1. Avoid idling or warming the car. If you are someone that has followed previous advice to always “warm up your car” every morning, then you should stop it right now. Cars made in the past couple decades do not require this anymore. During winter and you happen to have frost on your windshield, you can use a frost scraper to take it out. If you stop warming your car every morning before heading out, it allows you to get on the road faster and waste less gas.
  1. Avoid carrying heavy loads. Another simple way to conserve energy is to avoid carrying heavy loads with your car. The heavier the load, the more power it takes to accelerate and move the car. So the more you have in your car, the more fuel it takes to get going.
  1. Use the right type of fuel. The easiest way to save energy is to ensure that you are using the correct fuel as specified by the manufacturer. Manufacturers usually spend a great deal of money testing and researching the best fuel to achieve the best performance. It stands to reason that you should follow their recommendations. The key is to follow the manufacturer’s suggestions which in most cases is the lower 87-grade gas. Using anything other than the manufacturer’s recommended fuel will result in wasted energy with no extra performance.
  1. Reduce the use of air conditioners. While using the AC makes your car feel good, having it switched on all the time can increase your fuel cost by about 20%. If you must absolutely use the AC, then ensure that you are using it on the lowest setting.
  1. Install low resistance tires. The kind of tires you have will also affect the amount you spend on gas. People usually have all weather tires which makes driving easier in most cases, but getting “smart” tires that do not waste energy on the road by heating up will help conserve your fuel. Another tip is to measure your tire pressure every month. Driving your car with the tires under inflated can increase your fuel consumption. It can also reduce the lifespan of your tires by a lot. Getting the right tires with the right pressure will go a long way in reducing your gas cost.
  1. Using a manual transmission properly. Finally if you use a manual transmission car, you want to ensure that you are using it the right way. Pay attention to the tachometer which displays the engine speed and use it to know when to shift to manual transmission for efficient fuel consumption. The higher the rpm, the more fuel the engine is burning. So shift through the lower gears smoothly and quickly, and build up speed in the higher gears.


Gas prices are increasing every month and it’s a good idea to exercise caution. Following the tips mentioned above will help conserve fuel for your car. You can also run a vin check to get service and maintenance schedules for any used car you plan to buy.

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